Sunday Visit to Church

Today's Blog post is from Nicole Lackie, the Teaching Principal at Crodon Elementary School, a first-time DR Projects participant:

February 18, 2024

Hola from Cotui! 

After a day of travel and rest, we began our day today with a visit to the Iglesia Inmaculada Concepcion in Cotui. This is a beautiful church that inspires with its stunning marble, stained glass, and murals. Our group was led by the English teacher in Cotui and featured a 15 minute walk to and from the church. We had the opportunity to enjoy a Sunday service and were introduced to the congregation. Afterwards, we went to the town common and met Spiderman! This was a young boy that was celebrating his fourth birthday and was thrilled to show off his skills as Spiderman. Seeing him was a true joy for our group! 

A particular joy for me was taking a visit to the local reservoir to watch the sun set last night. We were able to meet the director of the local school as well as a few teachers that work there. I had the joy of sitting with the director and getting to ‘speak’ Spanish with her! It was such a joy to practice my Spanish – even if it was rather rough! We compared our schools and amazed each other with the differences. A specifically notable difference being that my entire school has less students than a single classroom in her school! I am impatiently awaiting Tuesday when we have our first visit to the school. Until then, we shall continue to prepare, gather and pack donations, and enjoy our time together as a group! 


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